Planning and Execution of Marine Operations

Kurs 12-13. november
Dette kurset er også aktuelt for havvind installasjoner
Marine Operations Standard DNV-ST-N001
Training course to introduce the DNV Standard N001 for effective marine operations
2024-11-12 - 2024-11-13 08:45 - 16:30
Siste påmeldingsdag: 2024-11-08 16:00
Thon hotel Slottsparken og med mulighet til å delta digitalt via Teams
Lifting operation

The course objective is to provide an overview of the latest version of DNV-ST-N001 standard, and to enable participants to apply it efficiently in planning, designing/verification and execution of marine operations.

Entrance requirements:
Basic knowledge of marine operations and the standard DNV-ST-N001

Who should attend:
Energy Companies: Project managers and company representatives; Marine Contractors: Project managers, mariners, superintendents and engineers; Marine Warranty Surveyors: Approval engineers, surveyors

Duration: 2 days (Attend in person or digitally by Teams)

This is a DNV’s Marine Operations Standard DNV-ST-N001 Course. The course is spread over 2 days and will be delivered by our marine operation experts. 

The course focuses on effective planning on Day 1 and typical marine operations like loadout, transport and lifting on Day 2. It explains the philosophy and basis of technical requirements of DNV-ST-N001 Marine operations and marine warranty. The course will be delivered through lectures followed by Q & A sessions for the audience. 

The course focuses on:
Sec. 1 Introduction
Sec. 2 Planning and execution
Sec. 3 Environmental conditions and criteria
Sec. 5 Loading and structural strength
Sec. 10 Load out
Sec. 11 Sea Voyages
Sec. 16 Lifting operations

Additional Benefit: 
The participants will receive a free 3-month licence to get access to the digital version of DNV-ST-N001 and N002.

The course will be held in English language.

Senior Principal Engineer Per Øystein Alvær, DNV and Senior Principal Engineer, Asle Natskår, Ph.D. Marine Operasjoner, DNV.

Program day 1:
0845 Registration / login
0900 Sec. 1 – Introduction
1000 Q&A
1010 Coffee break
1020 Sec. 2 – Planning and execution – part 1
1100 Q&A
1110 Sec. 2 – Planning and execution – part 2
1150 Q&A
1200 Lunch break
1245 Sec. 2 – Planning and execution – part 3
1325 Q&A
1340 Sec. 3 – Environmental conditions and criteria, part 1
1425 Coffee break
1440 Sec. 3 – Environmental conditions and criteria, part 2
1510 Q&A
1520 Sec. 5 – Loading and structural strength
1620 Q&A
1630 Day closing

Program day 2:
0845 Registration / login
0900 Introduction/Recap Day 1
0915 Sec. 10 – Load out
1030 Q&A
1040 Coffee break
1050 Sec. 11 – Sea voyages – part 1
1150 Q&A
1200 Lunch break
1245 Sec. 11 – Sea voyages – part 2
1345 Q&A
1355 Sec. 16 – Lifting operation – Part 1
1455 Q&A
1505 Coffee break
1520 Sec. 16 – Lifting operation – Part 2
1620 Q&A
1630 Day closing

Praktiske opplysninger

Tirsdag 12. og onsdag 13 november 2024

Thon Hotel Slottsparken, Oslo – og med mulighet til å delta digitalt via Teams

kr. 11.400 for medlemmer i NFS og Norsk Stålforbund 
kr. 13.400 for ikke-medlemmer

Kvantumsrabatt 10% ved minimum 3 påmeldte

For søknad om medlemskap, send epost til:

Kurskompendium: Kurset inkluderer e-kurskompendium. 
Standarder: Digital version of DNV-ST-N001 and N002

Norsk Stålforbund / NFS sekretariat: – tel: 41 02 15 98

Påmeldingsfrist: fredag 8. november kl. 16.00