Dette kurset vil gi en kort innføring i de viktigste aldringsproblemene som påvirker aldrende konstruksjoner og hvordan disse konstruksjonene kan vedlikeholdes slik at sikkerheten er ivaretatt. Videre vil kurset gi en kort introduksjon til vurdering (assessment) og forskjellige analyser (ULS, ALS og FLS) av aldrende strukturer. Kurset vil også kort presentere integritetsstyring av aldrende konstruksjoner.
Kurset er primært basert på læreboken / oppslagsboken Ageing and Life extension of offshore structures, Wiley 2019. Authors: Ersdal, G., Sharp, J.V, Stacey, A.
Kurset vil baserer seg på relevant norsk regelverk iht Havtil, NORSOK standarder (NORSOK N-005 og NORSOK N-006), internasjonale standarder (ISO 19901-9 og ISO 19902) og relevante DNV RP’er.
EN: Description
Many offshore platforms have been in production for several decades and have passed their original intended lifetime, but since there is still use for them, there is a need for life extension. This course will provide a brief introduction to the most important aging problems that affect aging structures and how these structures can be maintained so that safety is ensured. Furthermore, the course will provide a brief introduction to assessment and different analyzes (ULS, ALS and FLS) of aging structures. The course will also briefly present integrity planning of aging structures.
The course is based primarily on the textbook / reference book Aging and Life extension of offshore structures, Wiley 2019. Authors: Ersdal, G., Sharp, J.V, Stacey, A.
The course will be based on the relevant Norwegian regulations (Havtil), NORSOK standards (NORSOK N-005 and NORSOK N-006), international standards (ISO 19901-9 and ISO 19902) and relevant DNV RPs.
Kurset holdes på engelsk/The course is held in English.
Gerhard Ersdal (HAVTIL), Arne Fjeldstad og Pål Jensen, DNV
08.30 Registration and coffee / Login
09.00 Introduction to ageing and life extension
• Ageing: How structures change as they get older
• History, demographics and age of offshore structures
• Failure statistics of ageing structures
• Drivers and limitations for life extension
10.00 Relevant regulations, codes and standards
• Historic development in codes and standards
• Present safety principle for structure
• Norwegian offshore regulation
• Current codes and standards
11.00 Assessment of ageing structures
• Overview of assessment procedures in relevant standards (New N-005, N-006, ISO 19902 and 19901-9)
• Information needed for assessment of ageing structures
• Analysis needed for life extension
• Decision making for life extension
• Differences between assessment and design of structures
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Fatigue assessments and inspection planning
• Fatigue and uncertainty
• Inspection planning using fracture mechanics
14.00 Strength of ageing structures (ULS and ALS)
• Tricks and allowable possibilities for strength analysis of ageing structures
• Use of FEA and non-linear analysis methods
• Strength of structural members with damage and deterioration
• Relation to codes and standards
16.15 Conclusions
16.30 Closure
Praktiske opplysninger
Onsdag 20. november 2024
Thon Hotels Slottsparken, Oslo – og med mulighet til å delta digitalt via Teams
kr. 6 500 for medlemmer i NFS og Norsk Stålforbund
kr. 7 500 for ikke-medlemmer
Rabatt = 10% ved deltakelse på kurset 18-19. november Fatigue design of marine structures
Ytterligere rabatt = 10% ved minimum 3 påmeldte (betinger samtidig påmelding)
For søknad om medlemskap, send epost til:
Kurskompendium: Kurset inkluderer e-kurskompendium.
Norsk Stålforbund / NFS sekretariat: – tel: 41 02 15 98
Påmeldingsfrist: Fredag 15. november kl. 16.00